2640 Patriot Blvd #260, Glenview, IL 60062


quoteInfertility is a life changing diagnosis and when my husband and I received the news that we would need to undergo a specialized form of IVF using ICSI, we were terrified. If we ever hoped to fulfill our dreams of becoming parents, this was our only option. As a couple who hoped more than anything to someday be parents, we sought out not only a doctor who had the skill and determination to see us succeed but also a physician who would treat us like people; people who were not only scared and overwhelmed but also uncertain. Rarely can you find a doctor who fits this ideal, and when you do, you know the most important thing you will ever do in your life will be left in their capable hands. This is what we found when we met Dr. Davies. All the odds were stacked against us, yet Dr. Davies determination and skill made the impossible possible.

When we underwent our cycle back in 2012 we were hopeful yet guarded; cautiously optimistic. My husband was diagnosed with severe Male Factor Infertility and having lived the majority of my life with Juvenile Diabetes, our case was one that would be tricky at best. Dr. Davies and her staff managed our cycle with the utmost care and precision, yet was the most approachable and amazingly supportive doctor we could ever wish for. When my husband and I received the call on our 5th wedding anniversary that our result was positive, we were ecstatic. We beat the odds and we knew we owed a huge debt, one that we could never repay, to this amazing woman. Everyone at Davies Fertility from Shannon to Georgette who take care of the crazy schedules, to Aanal, world’s best PA to Lisa, the embryologist who (in our book) is a miracle worker, you would be hard pressed to find a team of women more invested in your success that you and your partner. We have made lifelong friends and for that, we are eternally grateful.

Our daughter Gretchen just celebrated her 3rd birthday and not a day goes by when my husband Mike and I are do not say a quiet thank you for the amazing gift Dr. Davies and her team have given us. My husband and I have done many things in our life that brings us pride, but none of these things comes close to the pride we feel as parents to our daughter. Dr. Davies made this possible and we are forever grateful. And should the day come when our family of 3 decides to try for another baby to love, we will without question place that huge request in the capable and caring hand of Dr. Davies.

Suzanne & Michael

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