2640 Patriot Blvd #260, Glenview, IL 60062

There are many men and women who have decided that they are ready to become parents- with or without a partner.  Luckily, today’s assisted reproductive technology offers the single person more safe and effective options to become pregnant without a co-parent. Single women and men can become a parent through IUI or IVF treatments using the best combination of their own eggs, sperm, donor sperm, donor eggs and/or a gestational carrier. While each person’s reasons and journey to parenthood may be different, their dream to become a parent is the same. We are proud to have helped many singles achieve their dream of parenthood.

Single Parenthood Journey For Women

Once a woman makes her decision to become a single parent, she will be evaluated via diagnostic testing by our team to determine the best treatment options to help her successfully become pregnant. There are several pathways for single women to achieve parenthood.

Donor Sperm Options:
Single women who want to achieve pregnancy need to secure sperm for the process.

Sperm Banks:

Most single women choose to use anonymous donor sperm from a sperm bank. Sperm banks are beneficial because women can choose a donor based on desired characteristics like appearance, education, ethnicity, family medical history and more. Donors and their sperm have typically gone through a comprehensive screening process that includes evaluation for drugs, infections and some genetic testing. Typically a donor sperm specimen is not released from the sperm bank until it has been quarantined for six months and the donor has passed several rounds of infectious disease testing. FDA guidelines are followed to help prevent disease transmission to the recipient.
Known Donor:
Some women choose to use the sperm of someone they know. There are regulations and tests known sperm donors must complete before their sperm can be used. Legal and psychological counseling are also recommended so both parties know and agree as to what each of their expectations are for financial support, relationship to the child, and other details.

Whether a sperm bank or a known donor is chosen, we can help you with every step of the sperm selection process. Learn more about sperm donation here.


Treatment Options For Single Women

There are several treatment options for women seeking single parenthood. These include IUI, IVF with a sperm donor, IVF using donor sperm and donor eggs, and utilization of a gestational carrier (see below).

If it has been determined that she doesn’t have fertility challenges,  IUI is typically recommended. Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is a procedure in which washed sperm is injected via a catheter into a woman’s uterine cavity around the time of ovulation. Depending on the woman’s situation, concurrent fertility treatments may be recommended to aid with ovulation induction and to trigger ovulation. Results of the treatment and procedure will be evaluated in 14 days after ovulation trigger when a pregnancy test is taken to determine the success of the procedure.

IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) is a more involved process but has the highest rate of success of all fertility treatment options. IVF is typically utilized for a single woman seeking to become pregnant when she’s attempted multiple IUI cycles without success, she has fertility issues where IVF using her own is the best option (most common), she is utilizing donor eggs rather than her own, or she is choosing to use a gestational carrier with her own eggs.

The IVF Process for Single Parenthood

  1. A full fertility evaluation and diagnostic testing is completed on the female(s) and sperm provider if not already done
  2. Ovary stimulation process for multiple egg production either in woman or the egg provider
  3. Retrieval of the eggs 
  4. Sperm washing and preparation
  5. Fertilization of the eggs using sperm in the IVF lab
  6. Growing of the fertilized eggs (now called embryos) in the lab to the blastocyst stage (5-6 days after fertilization)
  7. Transfer of the best embryo(s) into the pregnancy carrier’s uterus for implantation and development (Extra viable embryos, if any, can be frozen for use in future IVF cycles)
  8. Pregnancy test is completed 12 days after the transfer date to determine if pregnancy was achieved
Single Parenthood Journey For Men

When a man makes his decision to become a single parent,he will first be evaluated in our office with a comprehensive history and his semen will be evaluated for quality. Depending on the results and preferences of the patient, a man can achieve parenthood in several ways.

Gestational Carrier and Egg Donor Options
Since men can’t physically carry a pregnancy, a gestational carrier, also known as a surrogate, must be used. A gestational carrier’s own eggs can be used or donor eggs can be used in addition to a surrogate.

Surrogacy and Egg Donation Agencies:
Much like sperm banks, men can work with an agency that can match them with the best gestational carrier and/or egg donors. We have relationships with reputable agencies and can help you with this step in the process.
Known Egg Donor and/or Gestational Carrier:
Some men choose to utilize a woman they know for donor eggs, a gestational carrier or both.  Legal and psychological counseling are also recommended so both parties know what each of their expectations are for financial support, relationship to the child, and other details.

See more information on our donor egg services here.

Ways to Achieve Parenthood For Men

IUI with Man’s Own Sperm and Gestational Carrier’s Eggs
If the man’s sperm is determined to be of good quality, the IUI process is completed  on the chosen gestational carrier.
IVF with Man’s Own Sperm and Donor Eggs and a Gestational Carrier
If the man’s own sperm is present, the IVF process is completed  with the use of donor eggs (either fresh or frozen) and the use of a gestational carrier to carrying the pregnancy. This is one of the most widely used options and if excess embryos remain, they can be frozen for future use and potential biological siblings.
IVF with Donor Sperm and a Gestational Carrier
If there is a need to use donor sperm, the IVF process with the sperm donor and gestational carrier’s eggs is completed.
IVF with Donor Sperm, Donor Eggs and Gestational Carrier
If there is a need to use donor sperm, donor eggs and a gestational carrier, the IVF process is completed. 


For more information about our services to help singles become parents, please contact us to set up a consultation.

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