2640 Patriot Blvd #260, Glenview, IL 60062

quoteAt 35 years old, conceiving my son was seemingly easy. Three months after marrying my husband, Joel, we experienced joy and excitement when we found out I was pregnant with our first child. The pregnancy was uneventful and we welcomed our beautiful boy in November 2010. Two years later, in January 2013, we were devastated by the miscarriage of our second baby. Although only 8 weeks pregnant, Joel and I deeply grieved our angel baby. After the loss, we tried to conceive for the next 6 months without success.

As a practicing midwife, I knew my age and difficulty with conception warranted a consultation with a reproductive endocrinologist. Dr. Susan Davies and her staff came highly recommended from my OBGYN. While I remained hopeful, I was very nervous about the process and our chances of conceiving again. After some initial tests, I was diagnosed with premature ovarian failure. I was devastated at first but reassured by Dr. Davies and her staff regarding my options.

Dr. Davies has such a gentle, compassionate demeanor and explained all our options in great detail. She made sure both my husband and I were fully informed about the journey ahead of us and what our insurance coverage would be for all medications, tests and procedures. Throughout the month as I prepared for my initial IVF attempt, Dr. Davies and her staff provided me with the type of emotional support I would normally receive from a good friend or family member. They held my hand, hugged me, provided words of encouragement and shared tears of joy when we found out we were pregnant!

On 4/21/14, we welcomed Callie Rai, our little miracle, to our family. I look at our little baby girl every day and feel so grateful and blessed for the services Dr. Davies and her staff offer to families who are struggling with infertility. Without them, we wouldn’t have our sweet baby girl.

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