2640 Patriot Blvd #260, Glenview, IL 60062

“Our first miscarriage was in 2013. Our baby was 10 weeks gestation. We had already seen and heard the heartbeat twice. The loss was heart wrenching, to say the least. The next 6 years were brutal as we suffered one loss after the next. Cycle after cycle and no signs of new life. We got connected with a fertility center and before they started treatment, I was pregnant again. Sadly, this one was an ectopic pregnancy. Once I recovered from that, we pursued pregnancy via IUI, only to miscarry. I then spent time dealing with an unrelated health problem that again delayed our goal of having a family for over a year. My acupuncturist, who I was seeing for fertility support, suggested I connect with Dr. Davies. I was eager, as I had never lost hope of this dream of ours. I was also apprehensive, as IVF was our last resort and if it did not work, I would have to let go of my life’s dream and all the wonders of pregnancy, delivering a baby and breastfeeding.

When we walked into Dr. Davies’s waiting lobby, there was something different about it. It felt like an opportunity, rather than a grieving ground (as I felt at my previous fertility clinic). The office is small and intimate. When we met Dr. Davies that first time, she exuded warmth. She was confident, yet humble. She was empathetic and hopeful. I am the patient with a million questions, yet I never felt rushed by Dr. Davies. She and her staff were exactly what we needed. I remember crying as I shared our story with her nurse. She came around to the other side of the desk, gave me a hug and said, “Nobody cries alone here.”

IVF is an involved process that can feel very overwhelming when you look at the big picture. Dr. Davies and her staff helped me to take one step at a time and truly be in the moment. After years of struggling to conceive and carry to term, I am still amazed that IVF worked on our first attempt. We are forever indebted to Dr. Davies and staff for helping us to bring our sweet Dahlia into this world. There is no greater gift.”

-Rachel & Chad B.

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